The 1st meeting of olive mills of the project “AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET – Certification of Authenticity and Development of a Promotion Network olive products in the across border GREECE-ITALY area”, was held on 29 Oktober 2019 at the headquarter of Chamber of Commerce of Preveza. In the meeting had participate representatives and executives of project, especially the President of Preveza Chamber of Commerce, the Project Manager Stavroula Sakalaki, Mrs Sofia Thanou and olive mills owners of surrounding area in which was held skype meeting with Mr Panagioti Katsari of ELGO DEMETER who inform olive mills owners for the essential actions which must be do in order to achieve better quality products.


The first Project Technical meeting of the Authentic Olive Net Project – funded by the Interreg VA Greece-Italy 2014-2020 program , was held on November 25 and 26 at ASSOPROLI headquarters in Andria, and was attended by all Project Partners: Chamber of Commerce of Preveza (EL), Region of Western Greece (EL), ELGO Demeter (EL), ASSOPROLI and the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia .

Several topics were discussed, converging on the definition of a cross-border brand of olive oil authenticity that will be based on three pillars: 1) origin, 2) production methods, 3) quality . The project also envisages the development of a promotion platform (e-promotion Platform) and, at the same time, the creation of the “Authentic Olive Net” network/community (e-Networking platform) in which several actors of olive oil supply chain will be able to meet and collaborate.

Moreover, ASSOPROLI organized a thematic Workshop and forthcoming activities which are the definition of the “Authentic Olive Net” Trademark and the related Values Chart and Regulation, the development of the Platform and the Community, and finally a call for interest addressed to companies to become part of the “Authenticity” network.

During the 1st technical meeting of the project took place visits in olive groves of surrounding area in Andria where presented the production methods which have using and the way of collecting wrists of oil in order to become essential controls.

Furthermore, occurred visit in α seedbed where referenced the process of creating olive plants from which collecting the olive trees with the highest production. Moreover, was presented the methods- technical which are using in the region in order to choose the most quality plants which will attribute with possible productions in the future.

Additionally, was accomplished visit in two (2) oil presses in Andria, ASSOPROLI, and Bitonto where was presented the production methods of oil.

Finally, in the meeting had participate Francesco Cuddemi – Project officer of the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme who approved the vision, strategy and operative plan defined by partners as well Pasquale Mastandrea – Assoproli President.

Project is co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy

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