On Saturday afternoon at 18/12/2021 a promotion event took place in the event hall of “Margarona Royal Hotel”, in Preveza, titled: “Olive oil Tourism a promising form of alternative tourism in Preveza”.
The event organized as a symposium by Preveza Chamber, Lead Beneficiary of the cross-border project: “AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET – ”Certification of Authenticity and Development of a Promotion Network olive products in the across border GREECE – ITALY area”, funded by the Operational Territorial Programme «Interreg V/A Greece-Italy 2014-20».
Mrs. Sofia Zacharaki, Deputy Minister of Tourism participated in the event as the official guest taking the chance to talk with all local tourism stakeholders on issues related to the current state of tourism, but also on the prospects for development of alternative forms of tourism in the region in link with the agriculture sector, and especially based on olive oil.
The event opened with the welcome speeche of Mr Bouris Ioannis, President of Preveza Chamber, and the short interventions of Mr Nikolaos Georgakos, Mayor of Preveza, and Ms Anastasias Simou- Tasiou, Thematic Vice Regional Governor responsible for the Promotion of Local Products.
The main section of the event included 3 rounds of discussions on the possibilities of developing alternative forms of tourism based on olive oil and local gastronomy, with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Tourism, representatives of the Regional Authorities, local Associations representing the Tourism Sector, and other relevant speakers.
Then, after a Music Break by an ensemble of the Ionian Music School of Preveza, an Olive Oil Taste Event followedby Mr. Panagiotis Katsaris, Head of Olive Oil Quality Certification Laboratory of ELGO-DIMITRA and Mr Takis Dimitrakopoulos, Member of a Certified Organoleptic Check Group of SEVITEL.
The event closed with a Gastronomy Event of local dishes and recipes based on local extra virgin olive oils and agrifood products by Mr Anastasios Tolis, Head of the Chefs’ Club in Epirus.
Preveza Chamber would like to thank all participants for their presence stating that it will continue and intensify its efforts to further link of the tourism sector with the olive oil and agriculture sector in general.